Chances are that your cargo Sprinter has a divider installed between the cab in front and the cargo area since you don’t want to risk being hit by moving boxes in the back when you need to hit the brakes.

In a camper setup however, you don’t want a divider – unless it already has a door installed. In that case it might be a good idea to leave it in place as it will help you cooling or heating the cab.
Removing the bulkhead divider is pretty easy – blind rivets holding it in place. Once you drill out the rivets, you can remove the divider in one piece.

The picture above shows a rivet in detail – I don’t think that this was the original rivet, the ones in your Sprinter van might look different but at the end of the day they all work the same way and the only difference in removing them is the size of the drill bit you need to use. The idea is to have a slightly smaller drill bit than the shaft size of the rivet. Just drill from the center of the rivet head into the shaft until you can either pull off the head or it falls off by itself.

Once all rivet heads are removed you can just remove the bulkhead divider. In a second step you’ll need to punch out the rivet shafts that are most likely still stuck. Finally clean up / repaint the rivet holes to prevent rust and you Sprinter interior should look something like this:

Also don’t just throw the bulkhead away. Try to sell it on Craigslist. I’ve seen them sell for $200!
Thanks a ton for this as I was looking at a sprinter and wondered if I could take down the panel.
Does not look hard the way you did it I am looking at a 2005
Les in kc
Should be as easy with a 2005. Model years 2001 to 2006 all have the same body.
Do you have to use a specific drill bit? I tried this but i just ate up the dril bit.
Hi Donna, any metal drill bit should do the trick. The rivet heads are actually pretty easy to drill into with a metal drill bit. Perhaps you used a wood drill bit?