Covering the rear wheel arches with sound deadening material to reduce road noise was at some point on my to do list but somehow I never did it and after building the storage area with the bed on top I kind of forgot about it. I just remembered after stumbling across some leftovers of the denim backed material that I used to insulate the walls with. The job took less than an hour but mostly because the area is now harder to reach in my case. Take some of the material, cut it into shape and tape it together. voila!

The results where impressive: I didn’t drove the van for a week after I finished the job and completely forgot about it. At one point I realized that the loudest noise now is the wind whistling around the mirrors and realized that the normal road noise from the back is pretty much completely gone! Would have been great to have a before and after recording but I didn’t even think about that. You just have to take my word for it 🙂
Parts needed:
- sound proofing material (for example mass loaded vinyl or simply some heavy fabric like the denim insulation I had). You can buy MLV on eBay
or Amazon.
- tape
Tools needed:
- Scissors is all you need for this job
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